The Resource Profile

Learn about the Resource profile and associated details

The Resource data object supports two Salesforce record types, including Resource and Asset with the following definitions.

Assets are considered non-human resources such as rooms, cars, and medical equipment and carry some attributes only found on the asset, as shown below.

The related lists, such as Availability are shared across both Resource record types so these can be rostered and filtered in exactly the same way.

Resources are the care workers or clinicians working directly with your participants. We have defined Resources in Maica using a Salesforce custom object called Resource which is linked to a standard Salesforce object called User. A user is the profiles with which a person logs onto Salesforce and therefore the connection between Resource and User essentially means that each Resource (or care worker) will have a corresponding User profile in Salesforce.

Resources being linked to Salesforce users provides access not only to the core Salesforce and Maica Client Care solution but also Salesforce's mobile application, Salesforce1.

There are two parts to managing Resources, the first one focuses on a range of attributes and the second one is a bunch of related information as described within this article.

Resource Attributes

Resource attributes are fields that are stored against the Resource profile, for example Gender or Primary Language. Maica Client Care ships with a number of these attributes, as shown in the table below, and these can easily be extended using Salesforce's standard toolset.

Field NameField TypeNotes



Is the Resource active or not.






Formula Field

Derived from Birthdate

Age Group

Formula Field

Derived from Birthdate

Primary Language









Address Fields



ID Number


Start Date


End Date


Employment Category


Employment Type


Induction Complete



Picklist (Multi-Select)


Lookup to Location

Daily Hours Limit


Used in Rostering

Weekly Hours Limit


Used in Rostering

Weekly Hours Minimum


Used in Rostering

Maximum Client Number


Number of Clients

Formula Field

Derived from Number of Clients

Schedule Notification


All standard Maica Client Care pick list values can be extended to suit your needs.

In addition to the standard attributes described above, Maica Client Care also provides a variety of related information to further manage the configuration of a Resource.

Resource Participants

There are use case in which Resource (or Care Workers) are assigned a number of Participants to manage. This typically means that they are responsible for all interactions, scheduling and caring for those Participants. The Resource Participants related list allows for the management of Participants being assigned to Resources, as shown below.

The added benefit of this structure is to also see what Resources are managing a particular Participant as can be seen below. This means, if multiple Resources are caring for a given Participant, this list can be shown directly on the Participant profile.


Maica Client Care offers the ability to globally record a set of Skills such as Driving a Car or Administering Medicine. Those Skills can then be assigned to Resources via the Resource Skills related list as shown below. Once Skills have been recorded, they are used in our rostering algorithm.

To allocate a new Skill to a Resource, simply click the New button at the top right to get started.


The purpose of Availability is to record when a particular Resource is available for accepting either Shifts or Appointments. Maica Client Care constructs Availability by referencing a record called Operating Hour (shown below) which stipulates the hours of work as well as the weekday these hours apply. This, in return, allows for an easier configuration of Resource Availability as Maica Client Care will simply link to Operating Hours for a centrally managed set of working times within an organisation.

Once we have a set of standard Operating Hour records, all that now needs to happen is refer to these within any given Resource Availability record to make this Operating Hour relevant to the selected Resource.

If Operating Hours ever change, simply change the organisational Operating Hour record rather than needing to adjust working hours for each Resource.


Sometimes the need arises to record exceptions to the Availability; in those cases, we use the Unavailability data object which allows Resources to self-manage their unavailability using the Salesforce1 mobile application.

We would expect that Resources would manage their own Unavailability using the Salesforce1 application.

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